:  Sponges
Body Form: Sponges produce spicules which are their identifying feature. Spicules function to support their soft bodies. They also produce the universal animal protein - collagen. Their bodies are porous with numerous incurrent pores and a few larger excurrent pores.
Diet: Sponges are filter feeders, moving water through their porous bodies to trap the microplankton it contains.
Natural History: Sponges are the simplest animals on earth. They invented cell to cell communication and their bodies are little more than a colony of cells with little cell specialization. Many are symbiotic with fish, corals, bristleworms, or other animals. Microplankton must be supplied in the aquarium for sponges to thrive.

Examples at SeaScape Studio:
Aussie Red Spiderman Sponge-Zoanthid Symbiosis
Electric Blue Sponge
Orange Frilly Sponge
Orange Paddle Sponge
Orange Tree Sponge
Red Ball Sponge
Red Frilly Sponge
Red Tree Sponge
