Coral Guide

Purple Willow Gorgonian   (Pseudopterogorgia sp)
Family: Gorgoniidae (Gorgonians)
Habitat: A variety of different locations, but many species in shallow high energy environments.
Light: Medium   Water Flow: Medium   Space: 50+ gal.
Reef Safe: Yes   Care Level: Moderate   Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: This gorgonian is photosynthetic.
Natural History: This species grows to over 7 feet high and is most commonly found in areas with high flow and surge. It produces a number of terpenoids (curcuquinone and pseudopterolide) that act as antimicrobial, antipredatory, and cytotoxic agents.
Husbandry: The Purple Willow Gorgonian is very tolerant of a variety of lighting conditions. In an aquarium they seem to thrive best with moderate water flow and lighting. It is vulnerable to blue-green bacterial disease. Temperatures above 88°F are lethal for this gorgonian.

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